Acquiring and Protecting Critical Information Assets in M&A Deals
Potential acquisitions of targets require private equity firms to spend significant resources on financial, operational, and legal due diligence. McDonald Hopkins' Private Equity Practice Group understands that mitigating risk and identifying value is paramount to the success of any investment. Two areas that require review during any transaction process are data privacy and intellectual property.
In this first session of the Private Equity Executive Webinar Series, Christal Contini, Chair of the Firm's M&A Practice Group, will interview data privacy attorneys Christine Czuprynski and Emily Johnson, and Todd Benni, Chair of the IP Prosecution and Management Practice Group, about issues relating to the acquisition and protection of critical information assets.
Topics to be covered include:
- Key due diligence issues relating to data privacy and intellectual property
- What to do if a data breach is discovered or occurs during due diligence
- Post incident data breach procedures
- Different types of intellectual property and how to protect them
- Maintaining and enforcing an intellectual property portfolio post-closing