Dissecting the SEC Cybersecurity Disclosure Rules

 | 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
McDonald Hopkins Event
The Union Club
1211 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115

The SEC recently released a new set of cybersecurity disclosure rules and incident response reporting requirements that organizations need to be aware of. What are the main issues organizations need to know in order to be compliant with these new rules?

During this in-person event, Dominic Paluzzi, Co-Chair of the McDonald Hopkins' national Data Privacy and Cybersecurity Practice Group, will offer pragmatic insight that organizations can use to create a cybersecurity disclosure compliance plan that will be beneficial if an incident does occur. McDonald Hopkins ranks among the top six law firms in the country focused on cybersecurity and has worked on over 12,000 incident response cases.

Additional topics to be discussed:

Historic landscape of SEC cybersecurity oversight
New disclosure requirements and forms
Cyber insurance implications
Current cases/examples

A reception will immediately follow the presentation. Heavy hors d'oeuvres, cocktails, and networking will be available from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.


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