McDonald Hopkins celebrates relationship with Cleveland Indians Community Partners at July 25 game


CLEVELAND – McDonald Hopkins celebrated its relationship with Cleveland Indians Community Partners during a July 25 outing at Progressive Field when the Cleveland-based business advisory and advocacy law firm discussed its dedication to making a difference in the future of the city’s youth.

“We’ve been here for 90 years and the Cleveland Indians have been around even longer than that,” said McDonald Hopkins President Shawn Riley. “We view this as a partnership as we both make a further commitment to the city.

McDonald Hopkins invited 13-year-old Demarco Clark to throw out the first pitch prior to the start of the Indians’ Wednesday-afternoon game against the Pittsburgh Pirates. Clark plays baseball at Thurgood Marshall Recreation on Cleveland’s East Side, where McDonald Hopkins participated in the Indians’ fourth annual Fields for the Future project on May 10, helping to renovate Johnny Roscoe Field and Fred Drake Field.

“The field we play on at Thurgood Marshall is great now,” said Clark, who was attending his first game at Progressive Field. “I remember the field used to flood whenever it rained. Now it’s really nice.”

Watching the students of the Cleveland Metropolitan School System enjoying the game of baseball at Thurgood Marshall Recreation is especially satisfying to David Kall, the managing member of McDonald Hopkins Cleveland office, who was the driving force behind the firm partnering with the Indians at the start of the 2018 Major League Baseball season.

“It was an awesome experience because sometimes we take for granted what we have in life,” said Kall. “But working on that field and seeing the children that played the game after what we did to that field was so incredibly moving to all of us. It just shows that a little bit of hard work can make a difference in everyone’s life.”

Riley praised the commitment McDonald Hopkins employees have made to taking an active role with Cleveland Indians Community Partners, starting with Kall, “who embraced this program and has made it incredibly successful for us and I hope for the Indians.”



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