The final rule issued by the CMS that revises the Medicare Shared Savings Program includes changes that provide increased flexibility for physicians in some specialties to participate in multiple ACOs starting in 2016.
In the U.S., healthcare providers, health plans, health information technology (‘HIT’) companies and other organizations handling health information face daunting challenges to maintain the privacy and security of information in the face of expanding cyber security threats while striving to meet meaningful use, interoperability, big data and related expectations.
There are many reasons corporations decide to not pay dividends to shareholders. Uncertain economic conditions have led many businesses to conserve cash over the last decade. Beginning in 2013, dividend rates increased by almost 60% for some taxpayers, from an all-time low of 15% to the current 20% (23.8% for those taxpayers subject to the net investment income tax).
The Supreme Court’s recent decision, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Abercrombie & Fitch Stores, Inc., decided June 1, 2015, determined that an employer may be liable under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for refusing to hire an applicant based on a religious practice, even if the employer does not have actual knowledge that the applicant requires a religious accommodation.
HIPAA audits conducted by the government are expected to begin soon HIPAA-covered entities (such as healthcare providers and health plans) and their business associates will soon face governmental audits of their HIPAA compliance. According to some sources, covered entities and business associates may have just two weeks to respond to the auditor’s request for information.
Editor’s Note: With both chambers of Congress in recess, in lieu of “This Week in Washington” we are happy to present the first of a monthly series providing updates on the Republican presidential nominating process. We are thrilled that Cleveland was chosen as the host city for the Republican National Convention next year and we hope that you find this “Road to Cleveland” update to be informative!
McDonald Hopkins is proud to announce that seven of the firm’s attorneys have been recognized as leaders in their respective practice areas by Chambers USA.
The U.S. Supreme Court recently approved the elimination of Rule 84 of the federal Rules of Civil Procedure, effective Dec. 1, 2015.
U.S. Supreme Court confirms that the fiduciaries of a retirement plan have an ongoing duty to review the appropriateness of investment options offered to plan participants.
As financial institutions of every type and size — national, regional and community banks, thrifts, mutuaIs, credit unions, and non-bank lenders — increase their collection of personal information about their customers and employees, they become larger targets for a data privacy incident.
Emily A. Johnson has joined the Chicago office of McDonald Hopkins as an associate in the firm’s Business Department.
The Ponemon Institute released its Fifth Annual Benchmark Study on Privacy & Security of Healthcare Data on May 7, 2015, highlighting serious challenges in protecting the privacy and security of health information.