An international hacking ring made up of hackers from Russia, Ukraine, China, and Europe stole as much as $1 billion from more than 100 banks in 30 countries, including the United States, in what could be one of the biggest banking breaches ever.
In the criminal trial of Ross W. Ulbricht, prosecutors and defense counsel dealt with the growing debate over the admissibility of emoji, emoticons, and unusual punctuation(s) in text and other electronic messages
In light of the issues being discussed by the Energy Mandates Study Committee in the Ohio General Assembly, General Electric (GE), IGS Energy (IGS), Energy Systems Group (ESG), and Hull & Associates (Hull) have formed a coalition in an effort to advance public policy initiatives to educate policy makers, offer solutions on ways to advance cogeneration, and encourage the development of cogeneration projects in Ohio.
On Day 2 of the Rural Health Care Leadership Conference, keynote speaker Pamela Knecht challenged attendees to rethink the governance skills suitable for today’s increasingly integrated health care dynamic.
Transferring ownership of a business to children who are involved in the business is often the succession plan of choice. If the business has significant value, however, estate and gift tax issues can make moving ownership from one generation to the next problematic. One transfer technique for businesses that are not capital intensive is to have members of the next generation form a new company and direct business of the old company to the new one.
The White House formally announced it will create a new agency to combat cyber threats and coordinate digital intelligence among federal government agencies.
Business owners and executives are considerably more optimistic about business conditions for 2015 than they were in the previous two years, according to results of the fifth annual McDonald Hopkins Business Outlook Survey.
In what may potentially be the largest data breach of a healthcare company, Anthem, Inc., the country’s second-largest health insurer, announced that it was the target of the latest big breach.
Benjamin D. Panter, formerly a partner at Kirkland & Ellis LLP, has been elected as a Member at McDonald Hopkins LLC, a business advisory and advocacy law firm with an 85-year history and a growing presence in Chicago. Based in McDonald Hopkins’ Chicago office, Panter joins the firm’s national Executive Compensation and Governance Practice, which advises public and private companies, start-ups, entrepreneurs, and executives across a range of industries.
The term “small business case” was added to the Bankruptcy Code as part of the Bankruptcy Abuse and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 to provide an expedited, less costly, process for small business debtors to reorganize and avoid liquidation
As the president and CEO of the Greater Cleveland Sports Commission, David Gilbert and his staff of 12 full-time employees take instructions, advice and criticism from a 79-member board of trustees.
What is the "Internet of Things?" It sounds like a philosophical question, but the FTC recently defined it as: "“things” such as devices or sensors – other than computers, smartphones, or tablets – that connect, communicate or transmit information with or between each other through the Internet."
In the first data breach class action of its kind in Michigan, the Court of Appeals has held that a plaintiff must show that the defendant intended to publicly disclose private facts in order for a claim of invasion of privacy to prove successful.
On the immediate heels of the Sony hack (not to mention a few other sizeable breaches), the White House introduced the Personal Data Notification & Protection Act (PDNPA) as part of its agenda to further privatize data and improve cyber security.
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