Leading Lawyers recognizes 13 McDonald Hopkins attorneys

McDonald Hopkinsis proud to announce the recognition of 13 attorneys recognized by Leading Lawyers. Leading Lawyers selection process is peer led. These attorneys have been recommended by their peers to be among the top lawyers in the areas of practice. Less than 5% of all lawyers licensed in each state have received the distinction of Leading Lawyer.

The following attorneys have received the recognition of Leading Lawyers for 2025:

James J. Boutrous II: Employment Law: Employee, Employment Law: Management, Trade Secrets/Unfair Competition Law

James Giszczak: Data Privacy, Trade Secrets/Unfair Competition Law

Adam Grais: Closely & Privately Held Business Law, Corporate Finance Law, Tax Law: Business, Tax Law: Individual

Steven Harris: Closely & Privately Held Business Law

Rick Hindmand: Closely & Privately Held Business Law, Health Law

James Inendino: Real Estate Law: Finance

Michelle Kantor: Construction Law

Patrick A. Karbowski: Land Use, Zoning & Condemnation Law, Real Estate Law: Commercial, Real Estate Law: Finance

Benjamin D. Panter: Employee Benefits Law

Antoinette Pilzner: Tax Law: Business

Miriam Rosen: Employment Law: Management

David C. Strosnider: Employee Benefits Law

Michael P. Witzke: Elder Law, Trust, Will & Estate Planning Law

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