
Today’s technology-driven, information-based global marketplace requires you to rethink how intellectual property can boost and protect your bottom line. Your competition is doing it. Are you?

Intellectual property isn’t just patents, copyrights and trademarks. It’s about creating, securing, maintaining, and exploiting every possible competitive advantage in the marketplace to grow your business. The explosion of a worldwide, information and technology-driven marketplace has brought on all kinds of new challenges – and you must have a comprehensive intellectual property strategy that reflects how all the issues could impact your businesses, both today and tomorrow. 

The singular focus of our intellectual property department is to help you stay a step ahead. We provide powerful, cutting-edge legal and business expertise across all facets of intellectual property law. Our team of experienced intellectual property attorneys delivers a comprehensive range of innovative solutions and insightful industry expertise across a diverse group of technical disciplines. Every client’s needs and goals are different – but with our hands-on, in-depth approach you get a team of attorneys who understand your business and provide customized service designed to meet your needs.

Our intellectual property services include:

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