
Your brands are key assets of your business. Effective strategies for proper protection and enforcement of your brands under U.S. and international law are imperative to enhance and maximize their value.

McDonald Hopkins’ skilled team of trademark attorneys do just that by providing clients with guidance on all aspects of trademark law, including trademark selection and clearance, brand protection and enforcement strategies, training, and global trademark portfolio management. In addition to an in-depth knowledge of trademark law, our trademark attorneys also take the time to understand your industry, your competitors, and your business goals, using their legal expertise to help you meet those objectives. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, our team manages thousands of trademarks, both domestically and internationally, including those for many well-known companies in a wide variety of competitive sectors. For many clients, our trademark and intellectual property attorneys act as in-house IP counsel, providing strategic advice and indispensable services. Our clients range from early stage startups to large global companies. We have experience providing expert advice no matter your needs or stage of development.

Our trademark team also includes skilled intellectual property litigators with significant experience handling hundreds of disputes concerning all aspects of trademark  enforcement and maintenance, including USPTO opposition and cancellation proceedings, commercial infringement lawsuits, and appeals. Our litigators ensure your legal rights are protected and that competitors are not violating them – we provide creative and cost effective solutions.

Developing brand protection strategies is important for building strength and value in your brands and minimizing risk to them, and strategic management of your U.S. and international trademark portfolio is key to doing so. Our trademark brand protection and portfolio management services include:

Trademark enforcement is key to maintaining strong brands. Our brand enforcement services include:

The internet and e-commerce platforms offer unparalleled new business opportunities; the downside is that brand integrity can easily be damaged in the e-commerce world where infringement, copying, and knock-offs are ubiquitous. We can help by:




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